Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

What better day to start a blog about eating healthy, being active and respecting your body than Thanksgiving!

Welcome to Healthy, Happy, Curvy—a documentation of my journey to get back in shape, strengthen my body and make good life decisions. It's not going to be easy, I won't always want to do it, but there are changes I need to make and maybe this blog will inspire some of you to change with me.

This will be a place of honesty. You will know my weight, see pictures of my belly, hear about my bad days and learn about my triumphs and struggles.

Will there be recipes? You bet. Here's the sweet potato casserole I made for the family feast today. Will there be thinspiration pictures? Of course. Don't expect a bunch of rail-thin models though; I have realistic dreams. I love pin-ups, real women and the lovely Marilyn Monroe—hence being healthy, happy and curvy.

Go forth and eat today, for tomorrow we start our journey toward little waists and a thinner face!